Last Thursday, something unexpected happened as a result of my current job. Dealing with the media is a common, sometimes daily part of my routine, depending on whatever the issue-du-jour happens to be. I'm on a first-name basis with several of the local news reporters. Normally I'm not to make media comments, ever. My boss made an exception to the rule that day. I'd been inundated with dozens of calls from irate constituents who balk at the idea of increased property taxes and so on. The following "human interest" bit of video fluff is my resultant 30 seconds of fame. Due to creative editing, however, I don't think I look too dorkish and taxpayers should be happy to know that they're paying me to keep busy!
The video title is in error (I have a Journalism degree and would consider this an embarrassing oversight on the editor's part), I feel obliged to note that I do *not* work for the Mayor's office.
Last night was the beginning of my foray into a new level of PC awareness (that's personal computer, not politically correct - perhaps a topic for another occasion); I bought a fairly new-model laptop computer from a friend, with the potential for high-speed/wireless internet connection. I sheepishly admit to being a hold-out subscriber to dial-up, probably the last one on Planet Earth, or so it seems at times! I am also looking forward to the portability, which will be nice when I'm traveling or away from home and need access. It is a bit on the heavy side, but luckily as a seasoned traveler, I've become quite good at packing light with other things. I may have to creatively embellish it a bit (sparkly stickers perhaps?), as it is a bit too "basic black".
Behold, my Dell Latitude E5400:
I think/hope my computer-nerd/geek friends (and I mean that in a respectful, loving way :) will be proud of me and help me through my transition into higher technology.