I suppose my best excuse has been my life revolving around the foot surgery I had in late November, just before Thanksgiving. Even though I've been through three previous surgeries on this foot, this one has taken "endurance"...and far more patience. I really didn't expect my recuperation to be as difficult or lengthy as it was, and dragging that cast around all winter was especially tiresome. Everything, and I mean everything, became more difficult and time-consuming. Bathing, dressing, driving, housework, negotiating stairs, walking more than a few yards...Sleep was a huge problem; I liken the experience to fastening a concrete block to my foot then trying to get comfortable in bed...not gonna happen. I spent plenty of nights on the sofa propped up with pillows, that seemed to help a bit. Pain wasn't really too much of an issue, unless I got off schedule on taking the meds. I learned very quickly: don't do that!
Clearing snow from the numerous snowstorms that occurred was frustrating. Unfortunately, no offers of help were forthcoming (I will refrain from expounding on this sore point)...so I resourcefully used the orange plastic newspaper bags to cover my cast and hauled out the shovel and snowblower and did it myself. I only fell once but didn't break anything, just pretty sore for a couple days. I suppose I need to learn to get better at asking for help, but I have found that hearing lame excuses or someone says they will and then don't, are worse than just doing it myself.
Of course, one of the hardest things to deal with these past three months (yes, I am still recuperating, but had a good doctor's report today so I'm on the downhill slide) has been my inability to dance. Much of my social life revolves around my passion for dance and I've felt the loss sorely. I've still been spending Friday nights at Jitterbugs, though, and it's been good to spend time with my friends there. Looking forward, I'm planning to get back into swing dancing (and I'd like to focus on improving my skills at Balboa) and salsa. I'm also very excited about signing up for bellydancing classes; it's something I've always wanted to do and I've heard it's good for strengthening "core" muscles.
I'm counting the days until my feet hit the dance floor again...and for spring time and warmer weather. I guess I should consider experiences like making a stronger person, but I have to admit I could use far fewer!