Monday, November 17, 2008

In the beginning...

I started writing when I was a little girl. My mom taught me to read by the time I was four and I've been fascinated by words ever since. I wrote my first "book" when I was about seven, a fairy tale consisting of stapled-together pages of writing paper, illustrated with pencils and crayons. Mom still has it somewhere amongst her mementos.

About the time I was twelve, I began a diary, which I kept faithfully, nearly every day, until I was in my mid-twenties. My journalistic "career" began when I started writing for the school newspaper in 7th grade and continued through my graduation from college, when I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. My first love was creative writing, but at some point I figured I'd better focus on a more career-oriented degree. Ironically, I decided that being a reporter just wasn't what I wanted to do for a living, and my life took a different direction. I do not regret that decision. What I do regret is that I stopped writing. I lost the "muse" somewhere along the way and it is my intention to find the stories that live inside me and bring them to the surface again.

1 comment:

  1. If you really want it, the desire to write can be rekindled. The hardest step is simply making up your mind that you're going to.
